The is version 1.1.1 This version has no expiration date.
Note to Sysop: Please remove all older versions from your archive.
What's new in 1.1.1?
Fixed a fatal error if Macintosh Drag and Drop was not installed.
Fixed a non-fatal error if Speech manager was not installed.
Add Voices menu to chose Speech manager voices.
What's new in 1.1?
Drag and Drop
DeskTopTV now support Drag and Drop. You can drag a picture from DeskTopTV and drop it to Finder as clipping or drop it into another Drag and Drop savvy program.
Text to Speech
DeskTopMovie now support Speech manager. You can play Text to Speech on text track.
Bigger! Slower!
Just convert DeskTopText to TCL 2.0... Some AppleScript functions come free from TCL 2.0 (untested).
DeskTopText now convert the attached sound into sound movie track.
In all three program. The usual bug fix. Specifically "DeskTop Mode" in DeskTopTV is fixed.
System Requirements
•System 7 or later.
•QuickTime 1.6.1 or later.
•Sound Manager 3.0 or later recommended.
•Some features required Speech Manager, version 1.2.1 or later recommended.
•Some features required Macintosh Drag and Drop.
•Mac II (68020) or later.
•Some features required AV class Macintosh.
(Tested on a Mac II and a 660AV)
MovieTrilogy is a set of 3 QuickTime applications designed to do video subtitle on AV class Macintosh. DeskTopMovie and DeskTopText also work on other Mac with some useful features.
A QuickTime Video monitor/digitizer.
For AV Macintish Only
•Video became live DeskTop pattern (DeskTop Mode).
•Superimpose Graphics from any other application on top of the video with choice of "Transparent Color". (Superimpose only work in 256 color mode or below).
•Subtitle video. Make Karaoke!
(Use DeskTopText to create a text movie and use DeskTopMovie to superimpose text on video.)
•Watch TV in the background. Make video semi-transparent.
•Only use 400k (as low as 64k if you turn off sound and don't modify the setups).
•Switch between Color and Grayscale.
•Copy frame to clipboard/file (you may have to increase memory to 2000k).
•Drag and Drop frame to finder as clipping or to other savvy program (you may have to increase memory to 2000k).
•Movie Recording (you have to increase memory to 2000k).
•Variable window size.
•Remember window size/location.
•Hide Menu Bar.
•Hot-key to Finder and DeskTopMovie.
A QuickTime Movie player/converter.
•MultiSpeed Play: Fast/Slow Motion, Pause.
•Text to Speech on text track.
•Add full screen background Picture to movie.
•Make video tracks color transparent.
•Superimpose video tracks.
•Superimpose text on video tracks.
•Add sound tracks to movie.
•Direct to disk audio recording (AIFF).
•Direct to memory audio recording (system 7 sound file).
•Import and /or Export TEXT, PICT, PICTs, PICS , sfil/snd , AIFF, Audio CD tracks.
•High quality dithering for better (but slower) 1 bit play back.
•Hide/Show Video or Text tracks from display.
•Remove Video, Audio or Text tracks from movie.
•Hide Menu Bar.
•Hot-key to Finder and DeskTopTV.
DeskTopText (formerly ColorEdit, Text Movie)
A multi-window, styled colored text editor.
•Make Text Movie track.
Scroll text in any direction/Antialias Text/Shadow/Movie size/Sample duration etc...
•Speech Manager Text-To-Speech support.
•Sound recording/playing.
•Convert the attached sound into sound movie track.
•••Special for FirstClass BBS Paste PICT as TEXT function. Now you can copy an icon from Finder "Get Info" and paste it into your DeskTopText and copy the whole message into FC!
This function is real slow even on a 660av. Just Wait!
Q: How can I subtitle video?
A: To do subtitling:
1) Prepare your script in DeskTopText. Make a text movie subtitle track.
2) Connect your VCR/LD to the video in. Play something!
3) Run DeskTopTV, and chose white as transparent color.
4) Play the text movie in DeskTopMovie in front of DeskTopTV.
5) For recording, conntect a TV monitor and VCR to the video out.
You can also subtitle a QuickTime movie by adding the text track to
any movie with the "Add Movie in parallel" function in DeskTopMovie.
Q: Where is the manual?
A: There is no manual. Register user will receive it by e-mail when it is ready.
MovieTrilogy is released as shareware. You are encouraged to make copies of MovieTrilogy and distribute to anybody through electronic services or on disks less than 2MB, provided you also copy the associated documentation. Distribution of MovieTrilogy on CD-ROM and all other high capacity (over 2MB) media is strictly prohibited. You can try it out for 30 days. If you like it, The single user registration fee for international users is US$30.00. Canadian residents only pay Cdn$30.00 by cash or cheque. For $10 extra I will send you a disk with the latest version of MovieTrilogy. All register user will receive a customer number and update notice by email. Registration confirmation will be given by email only unless explicitly requested.
Site licenses and CD-ROM distribution licenses are also available. Please contact me for more information.
Payments should be payable to Pink Elephant Technologies, checks should be drawn on an US bank and should be in US dollars (Canadian may pay in Canadian dollars drawn on an Canadian bank), and should be sent to:
P.O. Box 87042
Village Square Postal Outlet
2942 Finch Ave. East
Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA
M1W 2T0
•AppleScript™ support.
•PowerMac native.
•Macintosh Drag and Drop.
•QuickTime 2.0.
•QuickDraw GX.
•QuickTime "Screen Movie" recording spin-off into another program.
•Multiple setting file. Allow instant setting change on the fly.
•AppleScript™ support.
•DeskTopMovie will became two programs.
1) A player optimize for speed and for subtitling. Function key/Hot key control everything.
2) An editor for movie making/editing/importing/exporting. Use standard Movie Controller.
•Multi-windows/documents support.
•Make self running movie.
•Resample/Recompress movie.
•DeskTopText will become a more general purpose text editer like BBEdit and Tex-Edit.
•Better Karaoke support. Time coded text display/hilite control.
•XTND support.
•>32K limit.
•Experimental: Generate TTS singing movie!
User Support
Please support the shareware idea and give me some motivation for further work on this program.
I need your feed back. This is your chance to have a function custom-made to your need! If you have any questions, suggestions or bug reports. Please contact me at the following e-mail addresses: